Tag Archives: heart monitor

Week 2 Day 1

Hello everyone. Isn’t this a glorious day? I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready to bring it. I know I am. I woke up feeling well rested and energetic.

My personal goal this week is to complete each workout, in its entirety, using proper form, while giving it all I’ve got. I will be doing all of this while staying in the zone (within my target heart rate).

Reader Question: Target Heart Rate

A reader sent me an email asking what the target heart rate is and why it matters. This is a great question, and something everyone should understand and employee.

Your heart rate is the number of times your heart beats each minute. The target heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute during strenuous activity. The harder your heart has to work, the faster it must beat in order to deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to your muscles. The target heart rate monitors the intensity of your workout.

Target heart rates are based on age, and have a low end and high end. The high end is called the maximum heart rate. If you are new to exercising you may want to stay on the low end for a few months and gradually work your way up to the high end.

The steps to determining your target heart rate is simple. I will use me as the example.

1. 220 minus your age = Your maximum heart rate.
220 – 41 = 179

2. Maximum heart rate X 0.5 = Low end of your target heart rate.
179 X 0.5= 89.5

3. Maximum heart rate X 0.75= High end of your target heart rate
179 X 0.75 = 134

The low end and high end are considered the zone. It does not take much for me to enter mine. I shoot up to 90 beats per minute just rising out of my chair.

In order to improve your fitness you should work within your zone for at least 20 minutes.

My cardiologist told he wants me to reach, and maintain 110, for at least 20 minutes per day. This will improve my heart health. But, he has given me permission to work within the high end of my target heart rate in my efforts to reach peak fitness.

NOTE OF CAUTION: If you are on any heart and/or blood medicines, consult with your doctor before engaging in any strenuous activity. Many of these medications do not allow your heart rate to increase as it should during exercise.

Despite your level of fitness, it is a good idea to work with your doctor in determining your target heart rate. I can not stress this enough. You do not want to drop dead during the course of your workout as that really defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?

I suggest a good heart rate monitor for everyone. You do not have to spend a lot of money to get a good one. I use the iGym, which I purchased at Academy for$39.99. The monitor itself works very well, however, the chest strap is not comfortable. I have to wrap gauze around the connections because they pinch my skin and it hurts. So, try on the strap for comfort before you purchase.


Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X – DONE!. I detailed the workout on Week 1 Day 1. I am changing it up a bit this week. I have been doing Ab Ripper X after my major workout. This week, I did it before my big workout. I have read that others are trying it this way. I wanted to try to see if it makes a difference. I’m not so sure this works for me. I will see what happens Wednesday and Friday.

What a great workout today. I still use a chair for my pull-ups and do bent-knee push-ups, but I am able to do a few more pull-ups and go lower in my push-ups. Already my body is getting stronger and I feel the difference.


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